(Your Bike Never Worked So Well!)
Mechanic's Detailed Checklist
General Notes
Lubricate ALL threads! (oil threads M5 and less, grease threads M6 and larger)
Loctite rack & fender bolts and others as necessary (see Repair Standards)
Replace lower rack bolts that have 3mm or screwdriver head with 4mm allen or 8mm standard bolts
Make sure bars are level and brake levers are at -30 degrees to -45 degrees
Install a fork mounted reflector bracket or "Safety Bolt" on bikes with cantilevers!
Always mark customer's seat post and stem position
Torque to specifications & lube or prep threads as you work:
All Parts Extra
No Extra Labor Charged for Replacement of:
All Work is Guaranteed for 90 Days.
There may be additional labor for:
Photo Essay of the ABR Ultimate Tune-Up (click thumbs for bigger image)
2. De-burr Seat Tube, Grease Seatpost, Seat Clamp Bolt, and Seatpost Binder Bolt (Verify post is correct diameter, and not above minimum insertion line. Set Saddle in neutral position if angled up or down.) Always mark customer's seatpost position!
3. Do a Quick 10 Point Check:
Visual Inspection of Frame & Components for Damage
Check Hubs for Play
Check Wheel Trueness
Check for Tire Damage
Check Brakes (squeeze levers hard to see if the cable slips)
Check Headset for play
Check Bottom Bracket for play
Sight Derailleur Hanger Alignment
Shift Thru Gears (verify shifter clicks match number of cogs)
Check Chain Length
4. Inspect Frame for Cracks or Damage (continue inspection as you clean frame and components)
5. True Wheels (OK to do on the bike)
6. Remove, Clean & Lubricate Pedals (If basic flush with oil, if clipless purge with grease)
7. Remove and Clean Wheels (Rims, Spokes & Hubs) in Parts Washer (pre-treat with citrus degreaser)
8. Remove and Clean Right Crank w/ Chainrings and Cassette / Freewheel in Parts Washer
9. Remove & Clean Chain in Parts Washer (Re-Check Length and Wear)
10. Lube Chain
11. Add Grease to Hubs and Adjust Bearings (verify hub over-locknut dimension matches frame dropout spacing)
12. Inflate Tires (install valve caps - no charge)
13. Install Spoke Protector
14. Oil Freewheel Body (does not apply to cassette hubs)
15. Oil Quick Release Levers and Install Skewers with Grease
16. Clean and Inspect Frame and Components Thoroughly
16a. Install a service sticker on the seat tube just above the bottom bracket, and a RideYourBike.com protector on right chainstay, if one is missing (clean areas with alcohol first)
17. Align Frame Dropouts (steel frames only)
18. Adjust Bottom Bracket (check Shimano cartridge type for proper torque)
18a. Install Crank & Pedals
19. Remove and Grease Stem Bolt & Wedge (for Threadless, Grease Starnut)
20. Oil & Tighten Rear Derailleur Pulleys
21. Tighten All Accessory Nuts & Bolts
22. Resurface Brake Pads (use a file) if Disc Brakes: Clean, Inspect and Align Rotors. (measure and note thickness) Here's how.
23. Lubricate All Pivots on Brakes, Derailleurs, Levers & Clipless Pedals (use Dri-Slide a.k.a. Bike-Aid)
24. Check Cable Housing and Cut to Ideal Length if needed
(cross derailleur cable if possible)
(replace non-lined housing with Teflon lined)
25. Lubricate All Cables (use Bike-Aid, NOT grease)
26. Reinstall Wheels
27. Adjust Brakes (set cantilever springs in center hole on brake boss)
28. Align Rear Derailleur Hanger
29. Adjust Derailleurs
30. Adjust Headset (replace any BB style lockring with spacers, tighten stem bolt first!)
31. Clean and Align Reflectors (If there is an incomplete set, then complete it. If bike has no reflectors, then it is OK to leave them off.)
32. Test Ride
Chain, Cables, Rear Cogs, Pedals, Seat, Seat Post, Brake Arches or Brake Pads.
Extra dirty bikes ($20-$30)
Non-standard equipment (mechanic's judgement)
Replacing an older Gripshift cable (10 per side)
Overhauling derailleur pulleys ($10 per set)
Mafac Racer Brakes ($20 additional, each)
Bleeding Hydrualic Brakes ($30 per wheel)
Clean & Lube S&S Couplings with Dupont Teflon special grease ($20 per coupling)