
Every year we travel to Las Vegas (Yuck! or Cool!) for the bike industry trade show, Interbike.

Come by the shop to see the latest gadgets and product info. It is the biggest bike show in the world. Quite overwhelming but totally fun for a bunch of bike geeks like ourselves. We had a blast! Mike says he wishes it was 5 days long instead of 3. We also got the chance to test ride many bikes at the On Dirt Demo Day before the indoor show.

Some of the cool things we saw: Xtracycle Stan's No Tubes Heron Bicycles

Mike got picked from the crowd (Oo! Oo! Pick Me! Pick Me!) to play guinea pig for Lance Trappe.

These last two pictures are from the Interbike website.
We finally made it into the random pictures they take every year. Woo-hoo! We're famous!

Stay tuned for next year's trip. We hunt schwag for our best customers!