Easter Sunday 2011 Cargo Bike Ride
April 24th 12 Noon


From Val

From Eric

From Aaron

Segue of Frankentrikes is currently in India doing research for her trike business.
Val has decided to lead this ride. He will be taking us to the new Nickerson bike lanes!

Easter: the day the bunnies hatch!

We will meet at the Olympic Sculpture Garden by the Father and Son Fountain (corner of Broad Street and Alaskan Way)
Cargo Bike Ride (aka Picnic Ride) custom is meet at Noon, Leave at 1 PM SHARP!

Destination: Gaswork's Park
Gasworks has a nice covered area with uncovered BBQ grills.

Here are some nice pics of basically same ride a few years back. HERE

Cargo bike rides are always family oriented. Bring your own plates, utensils, cups. Leave no trace! While there will be plenty of cargo bikes, this ride is for everyone. Cargo bikes travel SLOWLY! (8-10 MPH) and we stay together.

Our previous ride